Here are some of the things that the feminists consider as oppressive to the women (i.e., extensions or the beginning of a culture of male privilege, misogyny, objectification, patriarchy, or rape) and the reason for the continued existence of their ideology of hatred for the males/masculinity. Feminism has made this perpetual victimhood of women into a career and a means of extracting money from the government and creating unconstitutional anti-male laws and policies everywhere. Hence why the feminists (and women employing the victimhood tactics to get pussy pass or falsely accuse someone of rape or DV to earn name, fame, status, forced apologies, revenge, and/or money) are also known as "Professional Victims", i.e., people for whom it's a business/job (for which they get paid) to spread the false narrative of victimhhod propaganda and sell fear and misandry, despite the fact that males are everywhere more likely than females to be the victims of crimes. (The underlined terms can be looked up in the glossary. Updated: 2014/11/24.)
- Their own bodily functions like menstruation and menopause. The feminists also consider such things as the labor pain during the child-birth to be the worst kind of pain, probably because most women simply experience a dearth of strong physical pain and exertion in their lives compared to the men - The feminists among them then turn their (or other women's) feelings of pain into victimhood (or bravery).
- Giving birth.
- Artificial wombs.
- Long hair.
- Hair.
- Big ass.
- Eating videos.
- Drug-detecting nail polish.
- Bike helmets.
- Mirrors and body weight scales.
- Shoes ads.
- Walking in streets.
- Decent dress codes.
- Ban on tight clothes.
- Fossil-fuel companies' working on the planet.
- Climate change or climate problems.
- Global warming.
- Hurricane names.
- Lyme disease.
- Gravity (which the feminists consider a patriarchal construct).
- Animal rights violation.
- Animals' portrayal in the children's stories as being cute and useful to the humans.
- Petting cats.
- Consuming milk and dairy products.
- Eating meat.
- Valentine's Day.
- Marriage.
- Missionary sex position.
- Women giving blowjob to men.
- Men giving oral sex to women. Also, men refusing oral sex to women. (An example of cognitive dissonance.)
- Men glancing at women (male gaze). Notice how a man looking at a woman, in the women's feelings, eventually ends up raping and forcibly enslaving her; even though the man actually didn't so much as moved from his position. And notice how the study concludes that, somehow, it's the men (all of them) and their objectification of women that is responsible for the women's feelings of pretended insecurity, misandry, sexism, and/or stereotyping toward men. In other words, since women are the perfect human beings, they cannot be expected to improve or overcome any of their faults (because they don't have any faults); so something must be done about the men to stop them from making women feel and think in a certain way.
- Man talking to woman while standing close to her with his hands raised to make his points. (This apparently violates the woman's "personal space", and gets the man escorted out from his own conference.)
- Man talking to woman.
- Man breathing around woman.
- Boys asking intelligent questions in the classroom.
- Men's sitting posture.
- Photos of nude men in museum.
- A marble statue ("Triumph of Civic Virtue") of a nearly nude, sword-wielding, strapping male youth, his foot crushing the necks of 2 writhing female sirens, Corruption and Vice.
- Art.
- Beethoven's symphony, which a feminist (who won the MacArthur Genius Award) thinks contains "images of rape".
- Song lyrics.
- Algorithms.
- Interest in Computer Science.
- Newton's theories in Physics.
- Scientific approach, which the feminists consider to be the rape of (mother) nature by penetration of its secrets.
- Debates with non- or anti-feminists.
- Games.
- Photoshop waging a war on women.
- Summer blockbusters.
- A female character with bra and underwear in a movie.
- Wonder Woman.
- OK Cupid.
- Female movie characters.
- Lip-shaped urinals.
- Shapes of monuments.
- A logo for the University mascot.
- A slogan on a T-shirt.
- Images on a shirt.
- Remarks on Twitter.
- Comments on websites.
- Different sausages and toys targeted at males and females.
- Murdering a man.
- Men's heroic and great deeds.
- Words (like "ball", "god", "guys", history, woman/women, etc), phrases, and language elements, such as:
~ Black Holes.
~ Chick, Female, Girl, Lady, and Miss.
~ Dongle.
~ Motherboard.
~ Mrs (the title for a married woman). Sometimes also Miss and Ms.
~ Panties.
etc. - More examples.
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