Here are some statistics, studies/researches/surveys, and news related to the issues, hardships, and discrimination faced by men and boys. (The underlined terms can be looked up in the glossary. Updated: 2013/09/14.)
- Institutionalized and unopposed misandry.
- A new study in the British Journal of Urology International shows that men with normal, intact penises enjoy as much as 4 times more sexual sensitivity than those who have been circumcised. Circumcising slices off more of a male's sensitivity than is normally present in all 10 fingertips. In addition, circumcised men, with a 75% loss of the sensitivity compared to that of intact men, might decline to wear further-desensitizing condoms. Some may consider themselves "safe" because of circumcision, adding to their determination to have sex without a condom. Here are some facts:
~ About 117 boys die each year in the United States as a result of their circumcision, most from infections or blood loss. These deaths of the boys are completely unnecessary, but are legal and encouraged by the UN, the European Community, and most countries (which are matriarchal).
~ Research showing an association of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) with lack of circumcision is extensive and the link is now unequivocal. - The war against boys that starts with their birth (circumcision) continues apace by their parents as they grow up, and then when they join school/college. Some facts:
~ Study finds that parents devote more learning time to their daughters than their sons - reading, telling stories, drawing, and teaching new words and letters to their pre-kindergarten-age daughters than their sons (this holds true even when the boy and girl are twins); which could point to the reason for academic lag in boys (the "Boy Crisis" - where boys lag behind girls in kindergarten-level reading and math, and the fail to thrive at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary educational levels of the feminized academia). Of course, this is not favoritism according to the Canadian researchers (because that is apparently only if they favor boys over girls). Instead, the researchers proclaim, without any evidence, that it's just easier and more productive to spend learning time with girls, who are more likely to sit still compared to boys. So effectively, the researchers are saying that this is no problem, nothing serious, nothing needs to be done about it, and to just move on.
~ Schools have become hostile to the boys. Boys are nearly 5 times more likely to be expelled from preschool than girls. In grades K-12, boys account for nearly 70% of suspensions, often for minor acts of insubordination and defiance. According to at least one study, such acts of play rarely escalates into real aggression - only about 1% of the time. Still, when two researchers Mary Ellin Logue and Hattie Harvey surveyed classroom practices of 98 teachers of 4-year-olds, they found that this style of play was the least tolerated - Nearly half of teachers stopped or redirected boys' dramatic play daily or several times a week, whereas less than a third reported stopping or redirecting girls' dramatic play weekly.
~ Boys are not faring too well in academia. They are the minority of A's, and the majority of D's and F's (Dr Gurian, The Minds of Boys, p. 22). The Educational Testing Service has measured that the gap favoring girls in writing concepts is 6 times greater than the gap traditionally favoring boys in math concepts [Educational Testing Services (ETS) Gender Study, "Trends by Subject, Fourth through Twelfth Grades", Figure 2-1. Cited in Misreading Masculinity by Thomas Newkirk, p. 35].
~ Male students are much less likely to participate in student government, academic clubs, music, the performing arts, and student clubs.
~ Male students are 75% of those with learning disabilities, are twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, and are 2.8 times more likely than female students (and 64% of the total) to be put on drugs for this perceived disorder.
~ In lower education, male students are suspended twice as often and expelled 3 times as often as female students.
~ Many of these problems starkly manifest themselves at the college level, where boys are almost half as likely to earn an associates or masters - part of a downward trend in all degree areas with apparently no end in sight. - Boys are 30% more likely to drop out before graduating high school, and the ones that do graduate are less likely to obtain a college degree.
- Men are the majority of the homeless, and more than twice as likely as women to be homeless.
- After controlling for the offense level, criminal history, district, and offense type, men receive, on average, 12% longer prison sentence than women accused of the same crime. Overall, men are 15 times more likely to be incarcerated than women. Conditional on arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge observables, men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do. Women are also significantly likelier to avoid charges and convictions, and twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted. No wonder "about 1 in every 50 American men is currently behind bars, and we could think about gender disparity as perhaps being a key dimension of that problem".
- Workplace / wage gap numbers: The pay gap spread by the feminists is totally misleading, as it is only a snapshot of average yearly full-time incomes that does not account for overtime (about 90% male), type of work, and other non-discriminatory, voluntary factors. Here are some facts:
~ From Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment and Earnings" (January 2004), the ratio of average hours per workweek for men and women is 41.6:35.9; that is, women work 86% of a man's workweek.
~ Men are more than twice as likely to work over 50 hours a week, and account for the vast majority of the overtime hours worked.
~ The bottom roles (i.e., dangerous, low-paying, and risky jobs, e.g., garbage collector, sewer maintenance, roofer, welder, etc) are overwhelmingly taken by the males - Of the 25 professions ranked lowest in the US, 24 of them are 85-100% male. Men account for 93% of the roughly 4500 workplace deaths that occur every year. However, as Dr Warren Farrell points out, the government has passed more laws to protect women in the workplace from dirty jokes than it has to protect men from injury and death due to faulty rafters on construction sites.
~ Government's indifference toward the higher number of male work deaths (92%) - Basically, 30 men die for every 1 woman.
~ Maine's workplace fatalities for 2011 jump 30% from previous year. By industry, the "transportation and material moving" sector accounted for 7 fatalities (27% of the total), "farming, fishing, and forestry" and "construction and extraction" occupations had 4 fatalities each (31% combined), "service occupations" had 3 fatalities (12%), while 8 fatalities were recorded within a broad range of occupational categories. Here's the census of fatal occupational injuries.
~ Labor force participation rate for men has never been lower. Share of men in labor force is at an all-time low.
~ Men earn 52% less than women for part time jobs (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
~ Women are the majority in American workplaces.
~ There's no discrimination against women in Science, says Cornell study.
~ Women in Tech make more money and land better jobs than men.
~ There is also the myth that women are kept out of certain more lucrative fields by sexism. (Well, what else do you expect from the feminists anyway?) The truth is that women stay away from math out of their own free choice.
~ Study shows that female US corporate directors out-earn men. Female CEO's outearned men in 2009.
~ Women are on top in the workplace salaries.
~ Young women's pay exceeds their male peers, including in the UK. Women between ages 21 and 30 working full-time made 117% of men's wages. According to the US Census Bureau, single women between 22 and 30 years old earn an average of $27000 a year. That's 8% more than the comparable men. Women aged between 22 and 29 earn over £10 per hour on average, compared to men their same age who earn just under this amount.
~ The 15 jobs where women earn more than men.
~ Farrell lists dozens of careers, including fields of science, where women outearn men. Women simply have more options than men to be primary parents, and many of them exercise that option rather than work long, stressful hours. That is why 57% of female graduates of Stanford and Harvard left the workforce within 15 years of entry into the workforce. If it were an option for the men, most working dads would quit or take a pay cut to spend more time with kids, as research shows. Research shows that parents share workloads more if mothers allow men to be primary parents. Research also shows most men have no problem with their wives outearning them. So much for the patriarchy being held responsible for the wage gap when it's totally the women's choices, as research shows!
Given these things, why do the feminists whine about the wage gap all the time? Well, maintaining this kind of false victimhood is their meal-ticket and power, not to mention it helps them keep oppressing the men and pushing in the matriarchy. - Workplace sexual harassment: From Ipsos survey of over 500 company executives in December 2012 conducted across 7 Indian cities, 38% of the respondents believed men were as vulnerable to sexual harassment as women in the work environment. The city-wise statistics reveal that men in India's Silicon City face the most harassment by women co-workers. In Bangalore, half of those who admitted to having been sexually harassed in office said the perpetrator was a female colleague. In Delhi, 43% of those polled said they had been harassed by their female colleagues; an equal number accused their male colleagues of sexual harassment. In Hyderabad, 29% of respondents said they had been sexually harassed by their female bosses (while 48% said the abuse was by male bosses).
In a similar survey that Ipsos conducted for Viacom on 2013/01/18, 43% of men and 21% of women corporate professionals said they were subjected to sexual advances by colleagues. A big chunk of companies in India do not have a sexual harassment policy. Those that do are often skewed towards women.
From the findings of a recent Economic Times-Synovate survey of 527 people queried across 7 cities (Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Pune), around 38% of the respondents said that in workplaces, "men are as vulnerable to sexual harassment as women". The biggest reason why these cases were never reported was "social ridicule" and because they felt they wouldn't be believed due to social beliefs.
The helpline for men facing sexual harassment from women at workplace launched by NGOs Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) and Men's Rights Association (MRA) has been receiving at least 5 calls a day. Techies, government officials, and those working in private firms are the callers. Atit Rajpara, a volunteer who attends the helpline, said "Our study shows that around 55% male employees face sexual harassment at workplace in major cities. Most of the calls are received late evenings or early mornings. We guide them to approach the management with evidence." - Suicides - 4 to 10 times higher than females and increasing in the middle-age men. Here are some facts:
~ Male suicide rate is higher than the female suicide rate almost across the globe.
~ Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in America and men are about 4 times more likely to kill themselves.
~ In Korea, an average of 33.5 people per 100000 take their lives per year (nearly 50 suicides per day) - Suicide is the leading cause of death among Koreans under 40 years of age, with the suicide rate for men clocking in at 41.4 per 100000 (nearly double the women's number which is 21).
~ A divorce makes men much more suicidal than it does women. For example, as of 2005, suicide rates in Canada per 100000 people were 17.9 men and 5.4 women - The other most common suicide victims are divorced and/or estranged fathers (a divorced father being 10 times more likely to commit suicide than a divorced mother and 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a married father).
~ "Using vital statistics to explore different aspects of suicide in Canada has shown that males are far more likely to commit suicide than females".
~ In 2012 alone, 13000 male farmers committed suicide in India, with nothing done to address the situation. 65000 married men commit suicide every year in India, and still more anti-male laws are being passed.
Even so, the politicians and the MSM highlight the women's suicide attempts (which did not result in their death, and are actually intended to be non-fatal) over the actual male suicides. - Married men commit suicide at a rate much higher than that of the women. Here's a list of suicide statistics per year of married men and women:
~ America: 24672 men vs 5950 women.
~ Australia: 1727 men vs 546 women.
~ Canada: 2989 men vs 901 women.
~ India: 63343 men vs 31921 women.
~ Lithuania: 952 men vs 186 women.
~ Russia: 35608 men vs 7247 women.
~ UK: 4552 men vs 1493 women. - Life expectancy: Males have, on average, 6 years shorter life-span than females. On average, American men die almost 5 years earlier than women do, and boys are significantly more likely to die before reaching their 18th birthday than girls are. In India, average life expectancy of women (65 years) is higher than males (62 years), which implies that women live longer and healthier, and hence have lower malnutrition. This is further supported by the better health care facilities for women in India. WHO data shows that deaths due to diseases and injuries for males is 883.2 per 100000 as compared to women as 788.7 per 100000.
- The World Happiness Report (WHR) was released on 2013/09/09, a day before the World Suicide Prevention Day. The countries rated as having the happiest people in the world are all industrialized countries. "In most advanced countries women report higher satisfaction and happiness than men." (In a stunning example of bias, the researchers rationalize their finding with this mind-bending statement: "women are relatively happier in countries where gender rights are more equal". Here, "more equal" is the Orwellian speak for female-favoring.) The report also emphasized such things as health and educational opportunities as critical to happiness. In North America, spending on female-specific health greatly outpaces male-specific health spending, and females now also outnumber males 2 to 1 at university. Another study, 'Gender and Well-Being around the World' (GWBW), found the same thing: "Women around the world are happier than men, regardless of which happiness question is used". Furthermore they, too, use double-speak: "the findings suggest that the gap is greater (i.e., women are happier) where gender rights are more equal". What if the genders are reversed? Would the conclusion of the studies be the same? Let's see. The authors of the WHR conducted a case study on Bhutan, one of the very few countries in the world where men were found to be happier than women. This time, their conclusion is: "The fact that two-thirds of deeply happy people are men is of clear policy interest", whereas the fact that men are less happy than women in every industrialized country is of no policy interest.
This finding extends into marriage as well. The GWBW report concluded that "Married men are less happy than married women in all 3 income regions, although the happiness gap between married men and married women is smallest in the low income countries". - NSW Cityrail stats show that males are the overwhelming victims of robbery, non-DV assault, and theft, yet there's no calls for overall protection but only for discrimination against men in the name of safety for the women.
- Homicides - occur at much higher rates for men than women. Men are more than 3 times as likely to be a victim of homicide than women. And since the government and the various organizations are focusing almost exclusively on violence against women, it looks like the situation will prevail for a long time.
- Female-on-male violence has been normalized and made accepted in the culture. Even long back, Dr Warren Farrell had asked a high school teacher to record the number of times boys struck girls in class and the number of times girls struck boys. The research was not scientific but a 3-year observation (1989-1992) of high school students by Elizabeth Brookins, chair of the Department of Mathematics, El Camino High School, Oceanside, California. Brookins reported that "It was almost 20 to 1 when I first started keeping track - mostly girls hitting guys on the arm, occasionally slapping them... I began to do mini-lectures in class, and the girls and guys doing the survey started lecturing the people they were observing, and soon there weren't nearly as many girls hitting guys... I contaminated the results!"
Teenage dating violence: It's well known through many studies that teenage girls are more likely to abuse than boys. Research presented at an APA convention confirms that girls were almost equally likely to be a perpetrator as a victim of violence. Researchers surveyed more than 1000 individuals between the ages of 14 and 20 and found an overlap between reports of victimization and perpetration: 41% reported victimization and 35% reported perpetration at some point in their lives. Among boys, 37% said they had been on the receiving end, while 29% reported being the perpetrator. 29% of the girls and 24% of the boys reported being both a victim and perpetrator in either the same or in different relationships. Experiencing psychological dating violence was about equal for boys and girls. For the sexual dating violence, girls were significantly more likely than boys to say they had been victims (and that they had committed physical dating violence). Boys were much more likely than girls to report that they had been sexually violent toward a date. Rates generally increased with age but were similar across race, ethnicity, and income levels. An international survey of violence between dating partners in 16 countries concluded: "Perhaps the most important similarity is the high rate of assault perpetrated by both male and female students in all the countries" (source: Murray Straus: Prevalence of violence against dating partners by male and female university students worldwide. Violence Against Women, Vol. 10, No. 7, 2001).
Cyberbullying: Girls are 92% more likely to engage in online bullying than boys; and they actually engage in 65.7% of the total incidents (nearly twice as much as the boys). - DV stats:
~ Male victims of DV.
~ From the CDC data, men (8.7%) are more likely to be victims of the reproductive coercion than women (4.8%) (excluding conflict over the use a condom, which could be due to sensation and not necessarily to reproductive control).
~ Research increasingly shows that the majority of inter-partner violence is mutual, i.e., the violence and verbal abuse goes both ways; and where it is unilateral, the initiators of such violence are overwhelmingly women (generated by SAVE, based on a US study by Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Rates of Bidirectional Versus Unidirectional Intimate Partner Violence Across Samples, Sexual Orientations, and Race/Ethnicities: A Comprehensive Review - Partner Abuse Vol. 3 No. 2, 2012).
~ "In fact, when it comes to nonreciprocal violence between intimate partners, women are more often the perpetrators". According to study funded by CDC, "in non-reciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases. Reciprocity was associated with more frequent violence among women, but not men."
~ The actual number of male DV victims is expected to be much higher than normally cited by the feminist-leaning sources - roughly 50% has been estimated, while the American CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey for 2011 statistics reveal that 52% of US DV victims were men. In addition, 5.0% of men and 5.9% of women reported experiencing rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in the last 12 months, presenting a picture of approximate parity between the sexes. More than 1 in 4 men in the US experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime, and 1 in 7 men experience severe physical violence from an intimate partner.
~ Cal State Psychology Professor Martin Fiebert has assembled a bibliography of 175 scholarly investigations: 139 empirical studies and 36 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners.
~ Psychologist John Archer reviewed hundreds of studies and concluded, "Women were slightly more likely than men to use one or more act of physical aggression and to use such acts more frequently" (source: John Archer: Sex differences in aggression between heterosexual partners: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 126, No. 5, pages 651-680). Law professor Linda Kelly noted, "Leading sociologists have repeatedly found that men and women commit violence at similar rates".
~ The most comprehensive review of the scholarly DV research literature ever conducted - Partner Abuse State of Knowledge (PASK), a 3-year research project - concludes, among other things, that women perpetrate physical and emotional abuse, and engage in control behaviors, at comparable rates to men. But men are not only disproportionately arrested in DV cases, but sometimes arrested for arbitrary reasons, citing, for example, that police often arrest the bigger and stronger party in cases where the perpetrator is unclear. "Such policies are not only ineffective but violate people's civil rights."
~ Despite the perception crafted by DV advocacy groups, women commit DV as often if not more often than men: "Straus and his colleagues found that in minor violence, the incident rates were equal for men and women. In cases of severe violence, more men were victimized than women, with 1.8 million women victims of severe violence and 2 million male victims of severe violence a year. Women suffer a greater amount of total injuries ranging from mild to serious, but when it comes to serious injuries where weapons and object use come into play, the injury rate may be about the same." Hundreds of scientific studies support what every experienced law-enforcement officer knows: Half the time, it is a case of mutual combat; a quarter of the time only the woman is violent; a quarter of the time only the man is.
~ An analysis of the data collected by the National Violence Against Women (NVAW) Survey found that more women than men engage in controlling behavior in their current marriages, but there was no statistically significant difference between men's and women's use of controlling behaviors in former marriages. Controlling husbands were not particularly likely to engage in frequent, injurious, or unprovoked violence. Husband and wives did not differ in their motivation to control. Source: Sociology Professors Richard B Felson (Penn State) and Maureen C Outlaw (Providence College) "The Control Motive and Marital Violence", Violence and Victims, 2007, Vol. 22, Issue 4.
~ In the US, approximately 835000 men (about 40%) and 1.3 million women are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually.
~ Study shows that 1 in 7 women aged 15 - 22 in the US admits to hitting her partner, compared to just 1 in 20 men.
~ 41 men are killed by wives and girlfriends for every 59 women killed by husbands and boyfriends.
~ In Canada, of the self reported victims of spousal violence, 585 thousand (49.3%) are male and 601 thousand female.
~ In a current or previous relationship within the past 5 years (up to 2009), 6.4% of women and 6.0% of men reported being victims of DV. In a current relationship, the numbers are 4.4% of men and 3.2% of women.
~ Men experience over one-third of DV-related injuries: Of all persons who suffer an injury from partner aggression, 38% are male. (Source: John Archer: Sex differences in aggression between heterosexual partners: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 126, No. 5, pages 651-680.) Of all persons who require medical treatment as the result of partner aggression, 35% are male. (Source: John Archer: Sex differences in aggression between heterosexual partners: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 126, No. 5, Table 5.) From Richard J. Gelles: Intimate Violence in Families, 1997, men who are victims of severe DV suffer other problems, as well: 30% experienced depression, 14% required bed rest to recuperate from the injuries, and 10% needed to take time off from work.
~ Every "1 in 3" victims of DV is a male (basis behind the campaign/slogan 'One in Three'). 30.7% victims of DV are male.
~ The British Crime Survey reveals men account for 43% of DV victims.
~ The British Crime Survey (BCS) for 2010/11 reported that 5% of men and 7% of women had experienced domestic abuse in the last one year.
~ Men are much less likely to report DV incidents than women. According to the National Family Violence Survey, female victims of DV are 9 times more likely to call the police than male victims: 8.5% women (compared to 0.9% men) called the police in response to the assault. Source: JE Stets and MA Straus: Gender differences in reporting marital violence and its medical and psychological consequences. In Straus and Gelles (editors): Physical violence in American families, 1990, Table 15.
~ Studies have shown that gender (either biologically or by social framework) plays a role in being fearful. Women are more likely to report being afraid. In fact, they use this excuse casually to throw their partners out of the home and get them arrested. This is also useful to the women in the cases of separation and child custody.
~ UK DV reporter figures are 0.8 million men (40%) and 1.2 million women.
~ In the nationally representative German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults, every 20th participant reported being the victim of physical violence in the preceding 12 months, men significantly more frequently than women.
~ Women are the majority culprits in poisoning cases.
~ The DV stats among the same-sex partners and lesbians also show that women are just as capable of performing it, and the body size or strength doesn't matte.
~ LGBT charity Broken Rainbow shows that rates of abuse between gay females are the same as heterosexual couples. This often includes non-physical abuse too. More than 40% of women who took part in the study confessed that that they had been humiliated, degraded, insulted, or verbally harassed by their female partner. Worse still, 12% had been pressured into sexual activity. - According to a survey conducted by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), 1 in 10 adults has been falsely accused of DV, child abuse, or sexual assault. More than three quarters of all false accusations are levied against men, and nearly 7 in 10 false accusers are female. Here are some other results on the SAVE website:
~ 1 in 6 of the respondents personally knew someone who has been falsely accused of DV, child abuse, or sexual assault.
~ About twice as many persons have been falsely accused of child abuse as DV or sexual abuse.
~ In over a quarter of the cases, the accusation was made as part of a child custody dispute.
~ Nearly 1 in 10 (9.7%) of respondents said they themselves had been falsely accused of abuse.
~ A national survey of 10000 Americans reveals 11% report they have been falsely accused of abuse. The first-ever survey of its type probed persons' first-hand experiences with false allegations of child abuse, DV, and sexual abuse. The study was commissioned by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE). In 81% of the cases the falsely accused person was a male, and in 70% of cases the false alleger was a female. 15% of respondents personally knew someone who has been falsely accused of abuse. 26% of the wrongful accusations were made in the context of a child custody dispute (which is consistent with the custody wars turning increasingly ugly in Queensland as the parents - mostly moms - resort to "incredulous" sex abuse claims against their ex-partners). "This survey shows tens of millions of Americans have been falsely accused of abuse", explains SAVE spokesperson Natasha Spivack.
~ There is now a very widespread view in the community that some DV orders are sought for tactical or collateral reasons to do with family law disputes. People have bcome very cynical about them. A national survey conducted in 2009 with over 12500 respondents found that 49% of respondents agreed with the proposition that "women going through custody battles often make up or exaggerate claims of DV in order to improve their case", and only 28% disagreed. While it might be expected that men would be inclined to believe this, 42% of women did so as well. The view that some family violence order applications are unjustified appears to be shared by state magistrates in New South Wales and Queensland. Hickey and Cumines in a survey of 68 NSW magistrates concerning apprehended violence orders (AVO's) found that 90% agreed that some AVO's were sought as a tactic to aid their case in order to deprive a former partner of contact with the children. About a third of those who thought AVO's were used tactically indicated that it did not occur "often", but 1 in 6 believed it occurred "all the time". A similar survey of 38 Queensland magistrates found that 74% agreed with the proposition that protection orders are used in Family Court proceedings as a tactic to aid a parent's case and to deprive their partner of contact with their children. In a published research on the views of 40 family lawyers in NSW, almost all solicitors thought that tactical applications for AVO's occurred, with the majority considering it happened often. In another study based upon interviews with 181 parents who have been involved in family law disputes, a strong perception from respondents was found toward family violence orders (both women and men) that their former partners sought a family violence order in order to help win their family law case. So why are the DV orders used as a weapon in the war between parents? Well, this is fuelled by the fact that judges are required under the Family Law Act to consider these orders in determining the 'best interests of the child'. The proposed clause in this Bill takes the law back to what it was before 2006, without any explanation for why Parliament should reverse its previous decision at least to limit the provision. It really doesn't matter whether this belief that DV orders are used tactically is true or not.
About one-third of complaints received from women in Madurai accusing men of dowry harassment, DV, and other such malice are found to be false, and even petty quarrels lead to registration of criminal cases. - Groom Kidnapping (also known as "Pakaruah Shaadi" and "Jabaria Shaadi") is common in the western parts of Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh, wherein a woman's family abducts a most suitable male bachelor (young man who has either cleared the prestigeous IAS exam, or has a medical or engineering degree, or has secured a government job), keeps him captive, and often beats him into submission before later forcibly marrying him to her - Often at gun-point with a rope tied around his waist so that he can't run away, just like a captured animal or slave. In 2009, 1224 kidnappings for marriage were reported in Bihar, carried out on behalf of the families of the brides.
- Rape and false rape allegation stats:
~ Female-on-male rape/sexual assault.
~ Double standards in perception: From "A Crime by Any Other Name: Effects of Media Reporting on Perceptions of Sex Offenses", female sex offenders are less likely to be arrested in that the probability of arrest for females accused of forced fondling is 48% lower than those of their male counterparts. Both reports by victims as well as action taken by child protection workers and law enforcement varies depending on the gender of the alleged offender. Concerning guilt, there's vast discrepancies in reporting of sex offenses for men and women. Female sex offenders are more often reported in the media as having had a "relationship" with the victim, especially in cases involving teacher-to-student offenses. Indeed, it has been shown that female sex offenders are less likely to be reported and when reported more likely to receive lighter sentencing and/or parole, perhaps because the crime is not considered to be as "serious" as when the offender is male. Many female sex offenders are covered in the media using relationship terminology whereas it is more typical for male offenses to be described in offense terminology.
~ 86% of the victims of female sexual predators are not believed.
~ Double standards in sentencing: Males are convicted more often and receive higher and tougher sentences; females often get partial or full pussy pass. For example, according to a Star-Ledger investigation of 97 cases (72 men and 25 women) in New Jersey, male teachers are more often convicted and face longer sentences. Male defendants went to prison in 54% of cases compared with 44% of cases for female defendants. Men averaged 2.4 years (1.5 times longer) in prison compared with 1.6 years in prison for women.
~ A 1997 study authored by Shanta Dube of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that men and women who were sexually abused as children suffered similar health, behavioral, mental, and social problems.
~ From the Invisible Boy Report, prepared by Frederick Mathews, Ph.D., C. Psych: "When boys are victimized, they tend to be seen as less in need of care and support (Watkins and Bentovim, 1992). They are also blamed more for their abuse (Burgess, 1985; Broussard and Wagner, 1988; Whatley and Riggio, 1993) and their offenders are held less accountable (Burgess, 1985). In one of the most troubling studies, Pierce and Pierce (1985) found that male victims, despite being subjected to more invasive types of abuse and more types of sexual acts than female victims, were 5 times less likely to be removed from their homes."
~ Male victims of sexual abuse are less likely to disclose their experiences than are females. Researchers have found that 1 in 6 men have experienced abusive sexual experiences before age 18. And this is probably a low estimate, since it doesn't include noncontact experiences, which can also have lasting negative effects. Only 16% of men with documented histories of sexual abuse considered themselves to have been sexually abused, compared to 64% of women with documented histories in the same study (documented by social service agencies, which means it was very serious).
~ 20% of high-school girls and 5% of high-school boys say they have been touched in a sexual way or made to do sexual things they didn't want to do. Only 43% of the abused girls and 29% of the abused boys have told anyone about it. A survey of 9000 New Zealand high-school students in 2007 found that 5% of the boys said they had been "touched in a sexual way or made to do sexual things they didn't want to do". Many boys still don't admit to having been abused, and the true abuse rate of males is closer to a US estimate of 1 in 6.
~ A 2008/2009 'Bureau of Justice Statistics' study on 'Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth' found that even though female staff was a slight minority among adult staffers in the surveyed facilities, still, 95% of those reporting sexual misconduct by staff said they'd been victimized by female staff. The study also found that males were disproportionately targeted by staff; 10.8% of males were victimized, versus 4.7% of females.
~ 1.1% of women reported being raped in the last 12 months prior to being surveyed, and an identical percentage of men reporting "being made to penetrate someone else" (i.e., the femispeak for female-on-male rape, which they do not count as rape) in that same time frame. If we assume that the gender breakdown for the current assailants of men is the same as the lifetime breakdown, something like 30% to 40% of current rapes (outside of prison) are in fact women assaulting men.
~ Barnardos is a specialist service which helps children and young people aged between 8 and 21 who commit sex assaults. A recent Barnardos' study found a growing rate of sexual violence committed by girls. 11% of the 128 young people it helped last year after they committed sex assaults were young or adolescent girls. Over the last few decades, research has focused on adult male sex offenders and has been followed up with studies into adolescent boys and adult women. But Barnardos' Taith said little was known about girls who abuse other children. Some of the girls are more physically violent than expected. Current research shows that many abusive adults first show that behavior as children. Physically and sexually violent girls can hide behind the shield of girlhood, in addition to childhood. People simply do not expect girls to commit such acts, and once the girls do commit such acts, they may be more likely to make excuses for girls. This leads to a major problem with the Barnardos research is the sample size: 14 girls is hardly a large enough sample group to draw any meaningful conclusions from. Few people report female abusers, and those who do get reported often walk out of court (assuming they went to trial in the first place) without much punishment.
~ According to the Department Of Justice's 'Bureau of Justice Statistics' (BJS), over the past 2 decades, as pornography has become much more easily accessible over the Internet, the rate of rape and sexual assault has declined by about 60%. In 1995, the rape/sexual assault rate was reported as 5 per 1000 American women over age 12. In 2011, the rate had fallen to 1.8 rapes/sexual assaults per 1000.
~ On to the male-on-female sexual assault reporting, incidents of sexual touching, unwanted grabbing, kissing, or fondling accounted for 81% of sexual assaults reported to the GSS.
~ One reason that women lie about rape after having consensual sex is that men and women view casual sex differently, and women feel remorse more than men following one-night stands. A study shows how common remorse is for women following one-night stands: "Overall women's feelings were more negative than men's. 80% of men had overall positive feelings about the experience compared to 54% of women... The predominant negative feeling reported by women was regret at having been 'used'. Women were also more likely to feel that they had let themselves down and were worried about the potential damage to their reputation if other people found out. Women found the experience less sexually satisfying and, contrary to popular belief, they did not seem to view taking part in casual sex as a prelude to long-term relationships." Similarly, a recent study shows that women lie about having sex to meet societal expectations. When women believe they can lie and get away with it, they understate the number of their sexual partners. When they were hooked up to a lie detector and thought they had to be truthful, they reported more sexual partners than when they felt no such compulsion to be honest. For men, the result was exactly the opposite: when men thought they could lie and get away with it, they reported more sexual partners than they reported when they thought they had to be truthful. Researcher Terri Fisher, an Ohio State University professor of psychology, explained: "Sexuality seemed to be the one area where people felt some concern if they didn't meet the stereotypes of a typical man or a typical woman."
~ Contrary to the feminists' date rape drug FUD, Australian researchers found that not one of 97 young men and women admitted to hospital over 19 months to 2 Perth hospitals claiming to have had their drinks spiked, had in fact been drugged.
~ In a study by the US Air Force, about one-forth of rape accusers recanted just before taking a lie detector test or after failing one. Further research found 60% of the accusations were false. The most common reasons given for making false accusations were spite or revenge, feelings of guilt or shame, or to cover up an affair. (See Center for Military Readiness article "Sex, Lies, and Rape" for an excellent discussion of false accusations.)
~ Several prominent prosecutors have expressed concern over false rape allegations. Linda Fairstein, who heads the New York County District Attorney's Sex Crimes Unit and is the author of "Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape", says, "There are about 4000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen."
~ Properly conducted studies result in compelling evidence that the rate of false rape accusations is close to 40 to 60%.
~ Colorado's Craig Silverman, a former Denver DA and a zealous prosecutor of rapists, is critical of what he calls the "politically correct victims advocate's view" held by many prosecutors who want to "always believe the woman". Silverman states: "During my time as a prosecutor who made case filing decisions, I was amazed to see all the false rape allegations that were made to the Denver Police Department. It was remarkable and surprising to me. You would have to see it to believe it. Any honest veteran sex assault investigator will tell you that rape is one of the most falsely reported crimes that there is. A command officer in the Denver police sex assaults unit recently told me he placed the false rape numbers at approximately 45%." And there is the McDowell Study cited by Warren Farrell in "The Myth of Male Power", which concluded that of 1218 reported rapes on Air Force Bases around the world, 45% were discovered to be fraudulent (this 45% of cases are not ones that could not be proven or for which a suspect could not be apprehended, but cases that were proven to be fabricated by the person filing the complaint).
~ Study conducted by former Purdue sociologist Eugene J Kanin ("Archives of Sexual Behavior", Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994) shows that, over a 9-year period, 41% of total disposed rape cases were officially declared false (that is, by the complainant's admission that no rape had occurred and the charge, therefore, was false). The incidence figure was variable from year to year and ranged from a low of 27% to a high of 70%. False rape allegations are reported in similar numbers at college campuses; approximately 50% of rape charges are admitted to be false by the accuser. The most common reasons the women gave for falsely accusing rape were "spite or revenge," and to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame (Forensic Science Digest, vol. 11. no. 4, December 1985).
~ From a study that evaluated data from several sources, the rate of false accusations lies somewhere between 41% and 50%. The study's author concludes, "Although it may not be 'politically correct' to question the veracity of a women's[sic] complaint of rape, failing to consider the accuser may be intentionally lying effectively eradicates the presumption of innocence".
~ According to a 1996 Department of Justice Report, of the roughly 10000 sexual assault cases analyzed with DNA evidence over the previous seven years, 2000 excluded the primary suspect, and another 2000 were inconclusive. The report notes that these figures mirror an informal National Institute of Justice survey of private laboratories, and suggests that there exists "some strong, underlying systemic problems that generate erroneous accusations and convictions".
~ Editor of the site "", Wendy McElroy investigated into the truthfulness of rape reports, hoping to find a very low number of false reports. By the end of her study Ms McElroy was forced to this conclusion: "... even a skeptic like me must credit a DNA exclusion rate of 20% that remained constant over several years when conducted by FBI labs. This is especially true when 20% more were found to be questionable. False accusations are not rare. They are common."
~ University of Ottawa criminal lawyer Blair Crew said for a 4-year period of 2003-2007, 31% of sexual assault claims that Ottawa Police investigated were dismissed as unfounded - that is, they never happened - as opposed to unsubstantiated, where there isn't enough evidence to follow the case. Orlando Police Department made the public proclamation that false rape allegations have become an epidemic - In June 2013, the Baltimore Sun reported that police claimed that more than 30% of rape accusations were deemed unfounded. Louisville and Pittsburgh reported similar numbers.
~ In a 1996 report published by the US Department of Justice, "Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science", Peter Neufeld and Barry C Scheck, co-founders of the Innocence Project, stated: "Every year since 1989, in about 25% of the sexual assault cases referred to the FBI where results could be obtained, the primary suspect has been excluded by forensic DNA testing. It should be noted that rape involves a forcible and non-consensual act, and a DNA match alone does not prove that rape occurred. So the 25% figure substantially underestimates the true extent of false allegations... These percentages have remained constant for 7 years."
A Washington Post investigation in Virginia and Maryland found that nearly 1 in 4 rape reports in 1990-91 was unfounded. When contacted by the newspaper, many "victims" admitted they lied.
~ A 5-year study shows that 18.3% cases of rape are false, where rape has been used as a weapon to malign and attempt revenge. (And that too is based upon only the FIR - First-Information-Report - filed with the police, and excludes thousands of cases where the accusations come out to be false in investigations after the accused has been jailed.) Anger towards the accused (lynch mob mentality) prompted allegations of rape in 25% of the false charges. An equal number of such cases were filed at the behest of family members. Every 5th false allegation was made by a minor "coached" to cry "rape" as an attempt to settle family scores. About 15% were situations of panic after clear consent, while the remaining 15% defied categorisation.
~ "Among 7 Ontario police forces, 2% to 34% of complaints of sexual assault were considered unfounded."
~ It is reported that 1 in 7 male teachers has been falsely suspected of inappropriate contact with students.
~ The FBI's statistic for "unfounded" rape accusations is 9%, but this definition only includes cases where the accuser recants or the evidence contradicts her story. Instances where the case is dismissed for lack of evidence are not included in the "unfounded" category.
~ According to the FBI, forcible rapes have a higher unfounded rate than other crimes. "Unfounded" in police speak means baseless or false, or "no crime was committed". The FBI reported a 5.4% unfounded rate for forcible rapes, compared with a 1.1% rate for all crimes in 2006 - The most recent year for which statistics are available. Murders had a 3.2% unfounded rate, motor vehicle thefts were at 2.3%. Even these numbers of the unfounded rate for forcible rapes have some large problems, as to how exactly it is determined that a case is unfounded: FBI statistics are all self-reported by local police departments, with no uniform code to identify which cases are truly unfounded or baseless and which are merely stuck or inactive. The numbers account only for the forcible rapes reported to police, they don't count attacks on men or attacks by women on women, and they don't include molestations, statutory rapes, and a handful of other sex offenses. (Also, these cases are limited to male-on-female assaults, leaving child abuse, statutory rape, male-on-male, female-on-female, and female-on-male cases unexamined.)
~ The Danish government did a study of ALL reported rapes in the whole of Denmark over a 2 year period and found that 7.3% of the reported rapes where certainly false (the linked study is in Danish language), that is, the women admitted they lied, the police had video evidence, or reliable witnesses proving it was a lie etc. The actual number of false claims was certainly much higher as this kind of solid evidence is hard to come by. - Female perpetrated sexual and non-sexual child abuse. Here are some facts:
~ One study found that 6% of girls experienced sexual abuse committed by women.
~ Biological mothers abuse children 3 times more than biological fathers.
~ According to the US Department of Health & Human Services' annual Child Maltreatment report, it's mostly their mothers and other female family members acting in a care-taking role that commit the majority of physical and psychological abuse of children.
While this should be self-evident, now for the first time the usage of MRI scans have revealed the damage in the brains of abused children. In her book "When She Was Bad: How and Why Women Get Away With Murder", Patricia Pearson points out that while people in general tend to view women as non-aggressive, in fact, "Women commit the majority of child homicides in the United States, a greater share of physical child abuse, an equal rate of sibling violence and assaults on the elderly, about a quarter of child sexual abuse, an overwhelming share of the killing of newborns, and a fair preponderance of spousal assaults". - Child murder (or filicide - killing one's own child) - In the cases where one parent kills a child, 71% of children are killed by their moms; and 60% of victims are boys. According to the CDC, American women kill more of their own children than any other mothers in the industrialized world.
From the US Health and Human Services (HHS) statistics for child killings by neglect and abuse for 2005 and for 2006, and from the DOJ statistics, more kids are killed by neglect and abuse in a year (1460 in 2005, for example), than all the female intimate partner homicides in in a year (1181 in 2005). And mothers are the single largest group of kid killers, with a rate twice that of fathers. Also, the age range for the child homicides is about 10 times narrower than that for female intimate partner homicide, making that rate of child killings far more concentrated. (Yet, funding to prevent those child killings is minimal, compared to the billions that go to the policies and acts like the VAWA.)
Despite the "maternal preference" of the Family Law Court in custody battles, statistics show that children are more likely to be abused, or even killed, when in the custody of their mothers. Research shows children are safer with their biological fathers. An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report has found 42% of substantiated abuse - including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse - happened in single-female-parent families, while only 4% of abuse occurred in single-male-parent families. - Kangaroo court related numbers (child custody, divorce, vaginamony, etc):
~ Following a divorce, courts are 65% more likely to grant the sole custody to the mothers seeking it than to the fathers seeking the sole custody.
~ Following a divorce, the child support payment dollars benefit the moms in 90% of the cases.
~ A study shows that the child support scheme is so complex that only a handful of experts can understand the rules. The child support formula baffles 90% of parents. Most of the 1.5 million divorced and separated parents who pay or receive child support have no idea how the calculations are worked out, and most of those who claim to know the rules are wrong. Few surveyed parents knew that one overnight stay would trigger a 24% reduction in child support. Most did not know the connection between payment and stays, while others thought it took more or fewer nights. About 70% did not understand the rules, less than 1 in 10 understood the rules correctly, and 20% claimed to know the rules but were wrong. The study, involving thousands of separated and divorced parents - some followed for 4 years, is part of an evaluation of the reforms that changed the way child support liabilities were calculated and family tax benefits split. It suggests the Child Support Agency has not been able to keep parents well informed of how overnight stays with a non-resident parent can affect payments and family tax benefits. The reforms were promoted as being fairer to mothers and fathers, encouraging more contact between children and non-resident parents, and reducing conflict between parents. But they were opposed by some women's groups, who feared mothers would receive reduced child support and family tax benefits. As well, there were concerns fathers could insist on children having more overnight stays simply to reduce child support payments.
~ Joint research conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), the Australian National University, and the University of Queensland, involving almost 7700 households from 2001 to 2010, shows that divorced women are financially better off than divorced men, with divorced single men having $762000 less in assets at age 55 than those who have stayed married, and divorced single women having about $645000 less than women who have stayed married. Those who divorce were likely to have had lower household incomes prior to their marriage break-up than those who remained married. Men who stayed married had a median net household assets level of $1.044 million (compared to women's $1 million) in the age range 55-64, while their single divorced counterparts had just $282000 (compared to women's $355000) in assets. Those who had divorced and repartnered fared better, with a median level of $844000 (compared to women's $809000) in the same age range. AIFS senior research fellow Lixia Qu said the single divorced women might fare better in asset levels than their exes because they more often became the primary carer for children and so kept the family home. But she said divorce had a significant financial impact through to retirement for both parties, "And this impacts significantly on retirement income for divorced men and women who remained single, making them more reliant on government support to get by". (What government support is available for single men?) Immediately after a divorce, while men's equivalised income levels generally continued to rise (the parasite is gone), women’s dipped considerably (the provider is gone). But women's equivalised income levels often recovered over 6 or 7 years through a combination of increased employment (depicts the sexism against men inherent in the job quotas for women), repartnering (depicts hypergamy), and increased government benefits (depicts the State's feminist and sexist programs that spend the taxpayers' dollars to only benefit women). - Lies, infidelity, and paternity fraud: According to a University of Oklahoma survey of 67 studies and a Liverpool John Moores University survey of 19 studies, percentage of fathers unknowingly raising a child not their own is approaching 4%, which in the US means over 4 million defrauded men and thousands of billions illicitly taken from those men by women.
- Miscellaneous and others.
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