{News Stories} - War Against Boys
Here are some cases showing the systematic and general discrimination against boys, including in the academia. (Updated: 2013/09/14.)
- There were no protest marches or a single instance of opposition when the boys at one Arizona public high school were made by a teacher to spend their year learning to open doors for girls, pull out chairs for their female classmates, and stand when a girl enters a room.
- More recently, a Cornish school gave teenage young boys (but not girls) lessons in the art of etiquette (classes cover aspects of grooming and table manners). So the boys are being groomed into adopting positions of subservience and deference to their female classmates, while the girls are encouraged to curse at, criticize, ridicule their male classmates whom are forced onto the etiquette courses.
- Boys are literally taught to be ashamed of themselves in the schools, they're told that they're stupid and useless, that their maleness is just a tool of oppression, and that being a male is something to be ashamed of. They're told to hate themselves, never shown the bright side of manhood, and never told what men are better at (while the "women are better" is an everyday occurrence in the media).
- UK GCSE changes may advantage boys, so the female union leader slanders boys in response.
- The anti-male Women's Minister Maria Miller to launch information packs that will offer advice on how to guide daughters (and not sons) through subject and career choices, asuming that apparently the girls are not being brought up to be ambitious for themselves (this, while they outperform boys, and the boys' activities are actively suppressed through drugging and suspensions).
- Men's Rights Edmonton (MRE) arranged a lecture event to be held on 2013/07/29 19:00 at the Edmonton Public Library with Dr James Brown, author of 'Rescuing our Underachieving Sons', to discuss the challenge of improving boys' education. The local feminists are opposed to the event; posters advertising the event have been vandalized with paint or torn down almost instantly after being put up. And the feminists have warned that they'll crash the event.
- Boys are not allowed to go to the toilet except between the classes, and the toilet papers have been restricted in the boys' bathrooms - boys must go to the office and ask for the toilet paper and sign it out. Some boys feel embarrassed and just go home when they need to use the toilet.
- Boys are not allowed to wear shorts and are forced to wear trousers even during the very hot weather. Of course, the 'Equality and Human Rights Commission' is nowhere to be seen.
- Statewide survey shows that there's a widespread problem of "ball tapping", about which the officials have been largely uninformed or indifferent. 'Ball tapping' is the act, performed by both boys and girls, of intentionally (it's also done maliciously) hitting or kicking a male in the genitals. It results in serious injuries for the victim boys, including those resulting in surgical removal of testicle after being kicked.
- Kindergartner Rahul Chandani fell and hit his head on an icy playground at Devonshire Elementary School in Skokie, Illinois. His female teacher forced him to crawl back to his classroom across an icy playground - with a broken leg and a concussion, saying, "You're a big boy - I can't carry you". But his leg was broken so he fell again, and then had to crawl at least 200 to 300 feet back to the school building. He didn't receive any medical care either. His mother Priya Chandani took him to the hospital when she saw her child with a lump on his head and complaining of dizziness. After the accident, the child had to take off from school for 6 weeks and needs 6 months of rehabilitation.
- Boy humiliated and tormented by his teacher. Dad noticed sudden change in his behavior within a couple weeks of starting school, and sent him to school with recording device to find out the horrific reason.
- S Ellen Jones (elementary teacher at Kristen Woodward) berating the student Gabriel Ross (5), who took a hidden tape recorder to school on behalf of his parents, after months of explaining to them that his teacher was mean to him.
- Female teacher at Boles Jr. High School in Arlington poured pencil shavings in boy student Marquis Jay's mouth.
- Under matriarchy, no male is tolerated excelling at anything, even if he manages this despite facing constant put-downs, hatred, and discrimination. Any of his hard-won achievements are labeled as something negative for the society (read, females), his wings are cut down, and he is actively discouraged and put in his place by the feminist authority. Tyler Weaver (9) won the 6-week-long "Dig into Reading" event run by Hudson Falls Public Library in upstate New York by completing 63 books from 2013/06/24 to 2013/08/03, averaging more than 10 a week. He has consistently been the top reader since kindergarten, devouring 373 books over the 5 contests. This became impossible to tolerate for the library director Marie Gandron, who said Tyler "hogs" the contest every year and he should "step aside". She plans to change the rules of the contest so that instead of giving prizes to the children who read the most books, she would draw names out of a hat and declare winners that way. She then made her rationalization hamster work hard by giving a 'reason' for making the contest a non-contest (draw of lots), saying that several years ago a little girl came in claiming she had read more than 200 books and she was lying. It makes no sense but to a feminist everything is fair in war against boys. Predictably, Tyler's mom Katie Weaver said if Ms Gandron takes an alternate approach to the contest next year, neither of her sons will participate. Mission accomplished.
- Girls are coddled too much by the society; people are too soft and nice with them even on their mistakes; and the MSM and political institutions (like the pulic schools) paint even their bad/negative traits/habits/decisions in a positive light by sugar coating them (to be PC) and/or blaming males for the mistakes of the females ("A woman is never wrong", "You go girl...", etc). Even when this excessive coddling of the girls unintentionally results in something negative for them, and the rampant male bashing results in something favorable to the boys, the concern immediately shifts toward how to make this all about the girls' victimhood again.
- Boy bringing a tiny toy gun to the school is suspended but expulsion of a girl bringing a toy gun to the school is reversed. Other examples of demonizing the boys' behavior include:
~ Moving a stick in the air like a sword.
~ Throwing an imaginary grenade while pretending to rescue the world like a hero.
~ Just pointing.
~ Pointing with a pencil and making bang bang noises.
~ Shaping pastry like a gun, whether this is his intent doesn't matter: "All I was trying to do was turn it into a mountain but, it didn't look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a gun [kind of]". Only the teacher needs be a feminist and the school feminized for suspending any boy at will.
etc. These actions result in the boys' suspension or mandatory drugging. This is not limited to the schools; the male college students also receive rediculously lengthy prison terms for simple pranks. - Boy victims and girl perpetrators are omitted (and the issues of violence faced by the boys downplayed) in the final conclusions of the psychological research, studies, and surveys. The dishonest and feminist ommissions and manipulations of these studies result in the baised programs, funding, and policies only aimed at solving the girls' issues and seeing the boys as the problem.
- Boys as little as 6 are charged with felonies for playing "doctor". In the linked case, the Grant County District Attorney Lisa Riniker charging him with first-degree sexual assault (a Class B felony). When the boy's lawyer tried to have the charge dismissed, Riniker replied, "The legislature could have put an age restriction in the statute if it wanted to. The legislature did no such thing."
- Suicide rates for youth under 18 jump in Alberta: 6 high school boys in the Red Deer area commit suicide and the media fails to mention the difference in the suicide rates between boys and girls. Nor is the government much interested.
- Brown University is being sued by a former student, William McCormick III, over its handling of a charge of rape on campus. He argues that the female student who accused him was reluctant to name him, and that Brown officials yelled at her, pressing her to escalate her initial complaint (that he was following her) into a rape complaint, written by her with the help of her resident coordinator. The court papers also argue that the father of the alleged victim, a Brown alumnus and donor, made phone calls to top university officials, which led to a private settlement: If he withdrew from Brown, she would not file criminal charges. Neither the accuser nor the university reported the alleged crime to Providence police or campus police. McCormick, who later rejected the deal with the university, says Brown failed to follow its own disciplinary policies. The lawsuit claims that Brown interfered with his access to potential witnesses and refused to provide documents that might exonerate him. Colleges are often reluctant to hold due-process hearings on sexual complaints, partly because vigorous cross examination opens them to charges of abusing the victim. Feminist theory holds that there is no need to hear from the accused, because rape victims do not lie and because confrontation with the accused or his lawyer or even any close analysis of what happened can amount to a "second rape". As a result, on some campuses, the "he-said she-said" in cases of alleged rape tends to be reduced to a simple "she said".
The Columbia University sexual misconduct policy does not allow the accused to confront his accuser, have a lawyer present, or even to sit silently at the hearing, unless the accuser agrees. Nor can the accused line up witnesses or investigate the charges himself. Nat Hentoff called it the most repressive sexual misconduct policy he had ever seen.
Duke University recently introduced a bizarre misconduct policy, which contains a broad definition of coercion, and warns that "real or perceived power differentials... may create an unintentional atmosphere of coercion". So a sexually active varsity athlete at Duke might be accused of rape because his status as a campus star is inherently coercive to women he dates! - Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), the union body representing over 500000 students across the country, sets for a motion to amend the "Sexual Assault and Violence Against Women on Campus" policy to account for the "increase in the presence" of men's groups on Canadian campuses. According to the motion, "The groups provide environments for sexism, patriarchy, and misogyny to manifest and be perpetuated on campus" and "promote misogynist, hateful views toward women and ideologies that promote gender equity, challenges women's bodily autonomy, justifies sexual assault, and decries feminism as violent [...] Messages from these groups claim to be of equality, but are in fact messages that are misogynist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, and homophobic responses to the challenge of cis-male privilege in society". Obviously, this is nothing but lies and bigotry, because neither are the men's group sexist, misogynist, hateful, patriarchal, cissexist, heterosexist, and homophobic; nor should a hateful, misandrous, and violent ideology like feminism be exempt from any and all criticism, especially when the feminists are the ones that violently threat people attending the lectures about the issues and problems faced by the men.
Anyway, giving away their hateful agenda, what the Canadian Federation of Students actually wants is ban men's rights groups so that the ideology of hate called feminism can continue its indoctrination of the young students without having to face any challenge to or difficult questions about its lies and myths. - Cornell makes it easier to punish innocent students falsely accused of sexual misconduct; it's planning to its disciplinary procedure for sexual assault claims by dispensing with the requirement that witnesses testify in person. It will, instead, allow written statements of witnesses.
- [Name redacted until further details come out] (former employee, Georgetown University) was hired to read and process applications for admissions to the school. She trashed applications from white males, regardless of qualifications, proving her full faith in the ideology of feminism. Even more embarrassing, the Georgetown University (hitherto considered a prestigious university) appears to be covering up the scandal by removing link to her thesis from its website.
- Harvard MBA men are brash, bold, confident, assertive, and mad skilled at math. The only way women can compete with them is to squash all those qualities. So the curriculum is being feminized.
- Kennesaw State University (KSU), a relatively small university in Northwest Georgia, USA has about 60% of female students. A number of opportunities are offered by the campus and state organizations exclusively to the young women. For example, the Georgia Executive Women's Network offers a scholarship to women age 24 and up, and Women In Electronics offers supplementary funds that stack on existing financial aid to female students. Campus organizations like Kennesaw Women in Mathematics (KWIM), promote the participation of women in mathematics. KSU and its student organizations have never hesitated in connecting women to opportunities from a plethora of programs. How does all this compare to the status of the KSU men? Every scholarship, program, and course focuses on women. For example, men are allowed to attend the KSU Security's Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) course, but the focus is entirely on the women alone. There also is a double standard in what's taught to the male and female students in this program. (In short, the same old feminist mantra of "men bad/rapists, women good/victims" is the prevailing assumption.) In the program, women are expected to inflict injury and pain; men are encouraged to not fight back, and are given a reminder that they're rapists by default.
The KSU Gender and Women's Studies department offers a masculinity course with required readings including the mangina Michael Kimmel's "Guyland" (a book instilling male guilt in the men for being born as male).
There also is The Gentlemen's Club (TGC), a self-described "safe haven" for men founded by two KSU counselors. Men are treated as defective human beings here, who need to be "fixed". No socialization is allowed to these men outside the club. The founders also treat the MRM sites as "militant". The proceedings of the group are hideous and creepy; it declines the outsiders to record its meetings, but demands the members to consent to monitor their inter-member communications. - Monash Student Association, Women's Department is celebrating "the achievements of women past and present, as well as encouraging future (female) academics and scholars" with a "Blue Stockings Week", which has hosted an "Equality Cupcake" event, in which the prices of the cupcakes will be "$0.70 for trans and sex & gender diverse folk, $0.80 for women, and $1 for men". (Again, "Equality Cupcake" is the name of the event.) It comes with the added bonus of raising funds and getting comments to support a submission for "affirmative action policy for course readers", i.e., the Women's Department will petition the Arts Faculty Board to mandate that 40% of all journal articles used in teaching must be written by women - not that the journal articles be of high quality and relevant to the course work, just that women write them. U.C. Berkeley College Republicans also previously hosted a similar "Increase Diversity Bake Sale", with a pricing structure ranging from $2 per pastry for white men to $0.25 per pastry for Native Americans, with a $0.25 price break for women. "Just like the CA Senate Bills 185 and 387 the phone bank supports, we will be considering race, gender, ethnicity, national/geographic origin and other relevant factors to ensure the equitable distribution of baked goods to our diverse student body", their announcement read. The post finished with a signoff, "Hope to see you all there! If you don't come, you're a racist!" That group, though, had explained that the bake sale was meant to be satirical.
- On the matter regarding establishment of NCFM (National Coalition for Men) groups at campus universities across the nation, Montana State University Diversity Coordinator comments that the message of NCFM is "problematic". Brent Hildebrand, UM Men of Strength, comments that the information that NCFM disperses is "misleading". President of Kappa Sigma, who initially supported the message, flipped hours after these two statements were released.
- The DOJ has tasked the University of Montana with redefining the sexual harassment to include anything and everything a woman may not like about a man, dealing with all complaints of a sexual nature in total seriousness, and taking action regardless of the severity of the alleged infraction. The complaints to be taken action against include remarks such as complimenting a woman on her clothes, or asking her on a date while on campus, etc. Even making sexual innuendo could fall under the purview of the gender "equality" enforcers.
- DOJ and OCR's joint letter decalres that any conduct may constitute sexual harassment even if it is not "objectively offensive"! So, sexual harassment is now defined on the basis of another student's "subjective" feelings - as attorney Wendy Kaminer explains: "If a student feels harassed, she may be harassed, regardless of the reasonableness of her feelings, and school administrators may be legally required to discipline her 'harasser'". The letter also makes it mandatory that "a university must take immediate steps to protect the complainant from further harassment prior to the completion of the... investigation/resolution". These steps include "disciplinary action against the harasser". "These steps should minimize the burden on the complainant."
- Extreme misandry, sexism, and bias against the male students going on in the University of North Carolina.
- Ryerson Student Union (RSU) at the Ryerson University makes the policy to view any addressing of the issues and problems (misandry) faced by men as misogyny, and denies any group to be formed that addresses misandry and any issues faced by men. It's not just the student union, the University itself also rejects the proposal for a "men's issues" discussion group.
- Simon Fraser University (SFU) has comfortably funded and long established women's center, whose feminist advocates oppose establising a men's center, claiming "the men's center is everywhere else".
- Michael Kimmel (author of "Guyland", and a known mangina who peddles ideological feminist bullshit about oppressive violent rapey men and toxic masculinity, and all other misandrist crap) has received a major grant from John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (a large private American foundation) to start a 'Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities' at Stony Brook University (the State University of New York). As expected, the Center's board of advisors includes such man-haters as Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda, Carol Gilligan, and Eve Enslar. The males and masculinity will be demonized and shamed at this center. This is not the way to teach young male college students, and if you ask what the correct way is, the CAFE (Canadian Association for Equality) has the answer with its CCMF (Canadian Centre for Men and Families). Compare the two centers and say which one addresses the men's issues and which one is just yet another feminist institution of misandry.
- Scarborough Campus Student Union at the University of Toronto seeks to silence any talks about men's issues, falsely labeling them as demonstrating "sexist, racist, and homophobic views" with no base, citation, or evidence.
- Students Against Sexual Violence at Yale have proposed draconian measures against students merely accused of, and not found responsible for, sex offenses. The group wants the school to "contract with a trained victim's advocate to guide survivors through the process", and is not at all concerned with providing the accused student a trained advocate to guide him through the process. Obviously, the bigots calling for a "trained advocate" have already decided the accuser to be a "survivor". In addition, the school "must initiate a disciplinary hearing against students reported to the school for sexual violence more than once, whether or not the reports were filed formally". Never mind the merits of the initial informal or subsequent complaints. The falsely accused must be put on trial because he has been falsely accused more than once. The extremists, having tasted blood following the April 2011 "Dear Colleague" letter, are now going in for the kill. Let the witch hunts begin.
- Male sexuality is demonized in the schools and through Women's Studies (WS) (which has been renamed to Gender Studies) courses. Women's Studies has come to serve a political agenda, leading to deep problems created by the academic feminism: dubious scholarship, indoctrination, dogmatic teaching approaches, limitations on free speech, ill effects of "equity hiring", and bad consequences for men in the humanities.
The feminists in Ontario have pushed Gender Studies into high schools. And the UK is in danger of having the same thing happen. More indoctrination:
~ Soapbox Inc, a "women's rights" organization, brings you the Feminist Camp.
~ In Germany, school children are being taught that men are evil and are the cause of all of the world's problems, whereas women are compassionate and care for all.
~ Male students are forced to attend feminist programs in which they're told that they're rapists and abusers, and it's justified in the name of the "greater good" (which is matriarchy - female supremacy).
~ Little girls are being taught about the myths of male privilege, patriarchy, etc, and are being trained to hate the boys and see everything (including the girls' own actions and choices) as the boys' fault.
etc. - Male college sophomores required to attend a "bystander intervention" program, wherein they'll be taught to help stranger women when they're fighting with men, risking their own safety and receiving possible injury, a fine, or another punishment. This is kind of a training for all men to become the unpaid bodyguards for all women.
- School/college and teaching related assorted references and individual experiences.